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Donald 'DJ' Greene Jr

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Service Record

Active Duty records



2418.12.12   Promoted to Lieutenant (JG) (02) for service on West World


2419.03.20   Promoted to Gamma Platoon Leader


2419.03.29   Awarded the marine certification for survival, Class M worlds


2419.08.07   Commendation for services rendered, special note is made of Lt Green in operations on Haedreon IV, Port Saiodh and the Miner Riot


2420.04.26   Service record Notation: Served notably during Second Terran Away missions.


2420.05.21   Promoted to Acting Cheif of Security 


2420.09.30 - Notation for Ortus III Colony 7 Away Team


2420.09.30 - Promoted to Lieutenant (O3)


2421.12.13 - Promoted to Lieutenant Commander (04) 


2422.04.25 - Promoted to official Chief of Security


SES S'Task


2423.01.04 - Accepted 6 month exchange officer position on the SES S'Task

Background Information 

Early Life:


DJ was raised on a ranch in Montana by his mother. He and his mother moved to the ranch(owned by his dad) when his mother was  injured in an accident that left her with only a partial memory.


His father continued his career in the DFA and because of that was rarely around. But when possible he spent as much time as possible with DJ. 


He taught him to hunt, fish and to live off the land. A skill he found very useful during his time in the Academy.


He knew from day one that he wanted to serve. 




DJ attended the public schools of Montana(Missoula County). He graduated from Big Sky High School with grades that just barely got him through.


He preferred to be the class clown to studying. He was always in trouble at school because of this. Although, he never really got into any serious trouble.


His prowess at sports was probably what kept him in school. He was a standout on the football team and in track and cross country.


After graduation, he headed for the Academy. There, he continued his partying and cutting up, but also excelled at his studies.



Ensign Greene is in top physical shape. He works out daily and also hikes extensively when he's home in Montana.



He always seems to be happy-go-lucky. He does worry excessively about his mother's health. And also it bothers him that his parents have not been able to work out their differences. But he loves both of them.


He tends to have his father's fear of commitment when it comes to his personal relationships.

Ribbons & Awards

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  • Three Years of Service (2421.09)

  • West World Campaign Ribbon (2418.12.12)

  • 2420 Religion, Culture and Survival Conference (2420.03) 

  • Awarded the Terra Campaign Ribbon - Culture Team on First Away Mission to Terra (2420.04.23)

  • Awarded the Aesir Campaign Ribbon (2420.04.26) 

  • Time Travellers Award for service in a time period other than our own (2420.09.30)

  • Ortus III Campain Ribbon (2420.09.30)

  • DS Defense Ribbon for C4 (2420..09.30)

  • Nexus Campaign Ribbon (2421.01.11)

  • Hope-3 Campaign Ribbon (2421.12.07)

  • Banor's Brain Campaign Ribbon (2421.12.07)

  • Diplomatic Advance Ribbon - During the Hope-3 mission, DJ Greene was able to effect communications with a species that were not receptive to outsiders. (2421.12.07)

  • Bug Campaign Ribbon (2422.04.25)

  • Return of a Martyr Campaign Ribbon (2422.07.01)

Medical Record

Age: 24 years


Lt. Greene is in perfect health. He is very physically fit. He exercises daily when possible.


Childhood diseases: Had the usual immunizations for  all childhood diseases.


Broke his left  arm at age 11 when he fell out of a tree while playing with a friend.


Broke his right leg at age 13 when he was thrown from a horse on his father's ranch, horse was spooked by a rattlesnake.


His mental state is good. He passed all the psychological tests given when he entered the Academy.


Well adjusted, given his parental situation.


Last Medical: January 2419, Annual Check, Dr David Clark aboard the DFA Cromwell-B


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Chocolate Labrador Dog, Male,


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