Captains Log - 2424.11.12 - Captain Kit Taylor
We have arrived at Sylva and are currently engaged in diplomatic talks with their leader, Luute Jysirael. Along with Ambassador Magar representing the Cardassian Union, the Federation have also sent aid and a representative, Lieutenant Kalryn-ik of the Astral Dawn.
Kalryn-ik is of a species I haven’t encountered before, an aquatic species known as the Kal’mar. They seem nice and have a lot in common with the Chernov which may not bode well for an alliance with the DFA. Still, if Luute chooses the Federation it would still be better than the Cardassian Union and at least I believe the Federation are genuine in their intent to help. Magar… I’m not sure about anything with Magar.
Our teams have been split up, each with a representative from Sylva.
We have Crewman Fae leading the defence team, with Unit and the twins. They’re working with a Chernov called Nightshade who is a strange creature. They seem to absorb more light than they emit and aren’t quite like any of the Chernov I’ve seen so far.
Dr Saran is leading the engineering team, with Lyra, C7 and Damon. They are working with a Chernov named Ashkail Wildrose who seems to be in a bad mood, but I can hardly blame them. I’d be in a bad mood too if I had to try and get power back online for a whole planets worth of settlements.
Lumi and Twelve are leading the food team, with C3, C4, C5 and C6 and are working with a Chernov named Rivershade who seems quite polite and pleaded for the help. I know Lumi is visiting their family first and that’s where they are now, at the Hazelilly family home.
Me’D and Tas are leading the medical team with Toby and Mia and are working with the Chernov nurse Daelqi Stonepetal who seems good natured but understandably very sad.
Things were going well until … a few moments ago. Me’D just informed the Colonel of an acid burned hole in one of the medicine crates and missing medication. Tas believes the acid belongs to a Krillspire Seperentine and is going to run urine tests on Bitey to confirm. I really hope the it hasn’t been in any more of the crates.
—end log—
Captains Log - 2424.11.23 - Captain Kit Taylor
Diplomatic proceedings are proving interesting. We’ve learned that Sylva has a freshwater ocean which might be useful to Kaylrn-ik’s people since a portion of their population have a genetic mutation meaning they cannot live in salt water.
I’m curious if this is why Magar is interested as well, since water is a scarce resource on Cardassia apparently. I kind of hope this is her interest because compared to everything else I was considering, it might be as innocent as wanting a trade deal?
While diplomacy might be going okay, shit has hit the fan in other areas. Tas had identified that acid hole as belonging to Bitey’s… children. Baby Krillspires. Tas said there could be up to 50 and it looks like at least some of them might be on the planet. Mia had already found one in one of the food supply boxes.
Apart from the obvious problem of having numerous acid spitting creatures roaming the Chernov settlement, there’s also the potential for a biohazard issue of the baby Krillspire are carrying foreign diseases so this could be a very big problem. F@!k my life 🤦🏼♀️ - computer, delete that last sentence from the official log.
On top of that, Nightshade is turning out to be a challenging individual who has managed to argue with both Unit and Zee over the destructive scale of the weapons we’re willing to provide. I’m actually very proud of how they both handled the situation though.
Zee was a little volatile but I respect them for standing up for Unit. If there’s one thing I want from my crew, it’s the knowledge that they will always protect our children and hey, they didn’t actually set Nightshade on fire (although I think they came pretty close).
The twins were diplomatic and tried to de-escalate the situation and Unit explained that the DFA would not provide WMDs which demonstrates something to me; even if our little Borg collective don’t always understand our principles, they do usually comply with them. I think Carson would be pleased to see that. I mean sure, “I won’t give you nukes” is a low bar, but it’s something considering Unit was a terrorist when we found her.
Zee is now showing Nightshade the things that we arewilling to help with so hopefully that will go down well.
— End Log—
Captain’s Log - 2424.11.28 - Captain Kit Taylor
Four has located two Krillspire nests onboard Prodigy, inside the Jefferies tubes near the Cargo Bay and is headed there now to find out how many eggs have hatched.
Colonel MarQ has set off to meet with Unit and organise a search team to find the Krillspire on the planet and I’ve just gone to explain the whole situation to Luute… which went about as well as could be expected.
They are not happy and I think this may have blown any chance we have of an alliance, but to make things worse, Luute says there’s something in the forest called the ‘Kaltisq’. I have no idea what a Kaltisq is but by Luute’s expression, it’s nothing good.
—End Log—