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Rock Jumper - 12


Service Record

Active Duty records


DFA Darkhorse

2422 - Serving aboard the DFA Darkhorse as a Rock Jumper in Red Team


DFA Prodigy


2423.02 - Transferred to the DFA Prodigy. Rock Jumper and Security personelle 


2423.06.26 - Promoted to the rank of Corperal (E4)


Medical Records

Conditions & Procedures

Recieved extensive augmentation as a child by the Union. Exact details of augmentation are unknown to the DFA but it is known that Twelve's DNA is made up of a mixture of at least Cardassian, Klingon, Vulcan, Jem'Hadar and Human DNA.


Was infected by the Regression Virus (2423.04) but did not suffer any effects. Reason unknown. Ensign MeD (medic) suggested Twelve's immunity may have come from his augmented DNA but further studies were not conducted. 


Ribbons & Awards

The Looking Glass Campaign


For the role he played in the rescue on Outpost 36, the Duty Station Offense Ribbon and the Outpost 36 Campaign Ribbon


For the role he played in the rescue on Outpost 36, the Duty Station Offense Ribbon and the Outpost 36 Campaign Ribbon


For his role in the exploration of the Vulcan ship that lead to finding Valen and Myriad, 12 is awarded with the Vulcan Assistance Ribbon


For his work with the Ohana and Dropper away teams in rescuing the children, Siril and Yel, during the Collective's Chosen campaign, the DS Offence Ribbon


For his bravery and resilliance during the kidnapping of the children by the Collective's Chosen cult, the Collective's Chosen Campaign ribbon


For his work with Six, Alexis, Neilson and Banor in apprehending Eldar, the Duty Station Defence ribbon.


Baby Blues Campaign Ribbon


Awarded the Delta Freedom Alliance Achievment Medal

"For valor and devotion to Duty in the defense of the DFA, You are awarded on of the Alliances higher awards, the Delta Freedom Alliance Achievement Medal.."


Return of a Martyr Campaign Ribbon


Bug Campaign Ribbon


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