Dr Yofa Siril
Service Record
Starbase Horizon
2420 - Arrested on Starbase Horizon for involvment with research regarding the Omega Molocule
Probe 815
2420.10 - Captured by the Borg Collective and partially assimilated.
DFA Cromwell-B
2422.04 - DFA Cromwell-B rescued Siril from the Borg by exhanging her in negotation over Species 10038
2422.07 - Siril's request for assylum within the DFA was approved.
2422.09.22 - Hired as civilian consultant in Science department aboard DFA Cromwell-B
DFA Prodigy
2422.12.18 - Transferred to the Delta Freedom Alliance and hired as Chief Science Officer and Acting Chief Medical Officer aboard the DFA Prodigy with the rank of Lieutenant (03)
2423.06.26 - Promoted to the rank of Lt Commander (O4)
Siril was born in 2383 in an extremely traditional Amish settlement and was raised to shun technology and “the English”. As a result she grew up speaking mostly German and had little exposure to the outside world. She never quite felt at home unfortunately and was curious about what was beyond the simple life of the community. While her family were strict she came to know of some members of the community who made use of modern technology. She couldn’t understand why she was not allowed to use computers and technology, and why she was forbidden to ask for books that were scientific. Her father did not waver on the position that there was only one way to live and she kept her interests to herself as a rule. She was able to access regular schooling thanks to some of the “progressive” Amish and by the time it came to rumspringga she had pretty much decided to leave the community. Of course she couldn’t tell anyone and just went away.
She was shunned as a result, essentially she is dead to them. She has no family now since she left and she has had to survive alone. She was able to get into the Academy and managed to survive on limited resources. It was a culture shock, going into the outside world. She said it was like jumping from the 19th to the 25th centuries in one go.
Siril prefers not to talk about this or her background. She is prone to using German terms at times but mostly controls this.
While at the Academy her diligence (aka determined isolation) was one of the qualities that brought her to the attention of Section 31. She continued to isolate and focus on her work long after the time it was no longer necessary. However she often felt ashamed of her background and felt she would be stigmatized if people found out. It was easier to just not open up to people than to talk about a family and community she no longer was part of.
Medical Record
Procedures & Conditions
Assimilated by the Borg (2420.10)
Procedure to remove non-vital Borg implants (2422.07)
Prophet removed remaining Borg implants (2422.11)
Contracted the Regression Virus (2423.04)
Took first dose of Regression Vaccine, but refused second dose out of fear that the Borg implants removed by the Prophet may return (2423.05)
Notes: Suffered severe psychological trauma due to partial assimilation by the Borg in 2420. Appears physically younger than chronological age due to the Regression Virus contracted in 2423. Physical age as of 2423: 18 years old.
Ribbons & Awards
For her work during the combat with Exi and her goblins, the Duty Station Defence Ribbon
The Looking Glass Campaign
The Delta Freedom Alliance Commendation Ribbon. Quote from Captain Kit Taylor:
"For the way you have worked with the children lately, both Unit and Myriad, I would like to award you with the Delta Freedom Alliance Commendation Medal. This is a training ship afterall and seeing officers step up to work with our youngest crew and help them grow, that's one of the most important things we do here."
For her assistance in dealing with the classified events during shoreleave, the Investigative Services Ribbon.
For the role she played during the rescue of the C-Series children, the Outpost 36 Campaign Ribbon and the Duty Station Offense Ribbon
For the role she played during the rescue of the C-Series children, the Outpost 36 Campaign Ribbon and the Duty Station Offense Ribbon
For her work on the Vulcan ship and in analysing the data thereafter with Dr Saran, Dr Siril is awarded with the Vulcan Assistance Ribbon
"...and for somehow getting Dropper flying again, the Creative Applications of Technology ribbon"
"...for taking charge of the situation, the Away Team Command Ribbon"
"Dr (Lieutenant) Yofa Siril, for yours and Cadet Yel's work in defending the children against the cultists, the DS Defense Ribbon"
For her bravery and resilliance during the kidnapping of the Collective's Chosen cult, the Collective's Chosen Campaign ribbon
For her work with MeD testing the first trial of the vaccine on Unit and for keeping her as safe as possible, the Scientific Discovery ribbon.