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My Badges

Name: Six of Twelve, Secondary Adjunct of Unimatrix 11

Joined: 2423.04.30

Date of Birth: 12th June 2395

How did I achieve this badge?
Instructor Signiture & Date

For programming nanoprobes to reactivate safties during Exi's holodeck program, the Programming II Badge

2423.12.30 Captain Kit Taylor

For learning about a specific species of animal, the crocodile, Six is awarded with the Animal Friendship Badge

2423.12.30 Captain Kit Taylor

For its service during the 'Looking Glass' Campaign

2423.12.30 Captain Kit Taylor

For protecting Admiral Sesgaard and Captain Taylor during the shoreleave attack on Chetzia, the DS Defense Badge II

2423.06.25 Captain Kit Taylor

For its defence of the away team and the C-Series children during the rescue, the Outpost 36 Campaign Badge and the Duty Station Offense Badge.

2423.06.25 Captain Kit Taylor

For its defence of the away team and the C-Series children during the rescue, the Outpost 36 Campaign Badge and the Duty Station Offense Badge.

2423.06.25 Captain Kit Taylor

For the assistance Six and Four provided to Me'D during Myriad's operation, the Scientific Discovery Badge

2423.06.25 Captain Kit Taylor

For the role it played in analysing the data found on the Vulcan ship, the Vulcan Assistance Badge

2423.06.25 Captain Kit Taylor

For its somewhat unintentional diplomatic endeavour with the Collective’s Chosen that lead to them leaving, the Diplomatic Advance Badge

Kit Taylor

For its work with the Ohana and Dropper away teams, and in particular its work with Colonel MarQ in taking down the cult's defenses, the DS Offense badge

Kit Taylor

For bravery and resilience during the kidnapping of the Collective’s Chosen, the Collective's Chosen Campaign badge

Kit Taylor

The Creative Applications of Technology Badge, for using interlink nodes to access said Mindscape and help Banor defeat Eldar during the Collective Insanity Campaign

Kit Taylor

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