

Service Record
DFA Prodigy
2424.05 - Enrolled in the DFA Prodigy Junior Cadets Program
Background Information
Telek & Thaini were born on the 28th of February 2411, who their parents are or were is unknown, all that is known is they have been raised by their paternal uncle Sopek since as far back as they can remember.
Their uncle Sopek is considered somewhat of a maverick scientist, with varying interests in various fields of science, but he has an unhealthy interest in all things Borg, and he has somehow managed to raise two well adjusted and well behaved children.
Telek is the more inquisitive of the twins, but Thaini is the more academically minded of the two, not that Telek is slack in his studies, they turn educational things into a competition to see who can finish things first & which one of them does better than the other.
Telek & Thaini have at the behest of their uncle applied to & have joined the DFA cadet program aboard the Prodigy, to further their education & broaden their minds, however they have ulterior motives for joining the DFA cadet program. To get up close & personal with the DFA Borg crew, including two full drones, one half drone half Krenim, & several juvenile drones liberated from the Collective.