This month has been a lot of training... which makes sense for a training ship, but all the same, I don't think I've seen Colonel MarQ leaving the holodeck, he's been running so many simulations with the Junior Cadets.
Toby and Etheria did a medical triage simulation. From the report, it sounds like Toby was the more anxious of the two, being overwhelmed by the noise, and Etheria took charge. I was surprised to hear about shy little Etheria taking charge of a situation, but pleasantly surprised. Considering they're both only 6 years old, I think they handled the simulation well.
Damon did a simulation which involved navigating an astroid field, in the dark, using his ocular implant to compensate. He struggled at first but with Colonel MarQ teaching him to recognise the pattern of the feild, was able to succeed in the end. Meanwhile Neilson did combat training... the less I know about that the better, but he seemed to be in a good mood when he came home. I'm glad to see him working well with the Colonel.
Melina faced some serious issues with her command simulation; primarily showing a lack of empathy and struggling to gain the trust and utilise intel from the local population. She had the classic teenage attitude of 'I can do everything myself and don't need help from anyone' according to my report from Colonel MarQ. She was, however, able to admit that she had something to work on and did better in her next test, which involved collecting the rest of the cadets first thing in the morning under a time constraint. The fact that she got Toby anywhere that early in the morning is something of achievement.
Damon and Unit have been learning about Borg technology under the guidence of Six and Four, running simulations from the drone's memories. Six has informed me that their performance is 'acceptable' and that their 'efficency is increasing with repetition'. From the Borg, that sounds like high praise.
Damon and Unit also proposed a project that involved creating an AI for Prodigy similar to Station from Sentinel. I told them that they would have to wait until they were old enough to take responsibility for any lifeform they create, or find an adult onboard who was willing too. Damon took it well, but I do not think Unit understands the full ramifications of creating potentially sapient and sentient new life without an adult to be responsible for it.
Lumi and Rock Jumper 12 joined Prodigy's crew this month. Twelve will be working in Security, while Lumi undertakes her officer training in Science and takes care of the nursery. The pair of them will also be training Rock Jumping to the Junior Cadets and are working with Colonel MarQ and Six to develop Rock Jumping suits for the children that will adapt to their needs using nanotechnology.
Etheria went on a cultural retreat with her father and was away for most of the month, but has just returned and we have a new Junior Cadet joining us on Prodigy. A little Caitian girl named Mia, whose parents are scientists from another ship within the fleet. We're heading to Chetzia to show the children around the Acadamy.
In the meantime, Rock Jumper 12, Six and Lumi are supervising the children in a bridge simulation, where they can see what is going on, on the actual bridge... which is a lot. We've just encountered a shuttle containing five people, one of which is Eldar MarQ; Banor's brother. Given Eldar's history, we've got Prodigy at Yellow Alert and have locked down the nursery. I've sent Four down there to make sure the babies are safe and Banor has told Six to protect the Junior Cadets, while we decide exactly what to do, which may be complicated as Eldar has just announced that he and Banor may have another brother... a certain grumpy security officer from the Union...