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Writer's picture: Kit TaylorKit Taylor

Captains Log - 2424.12 - Captain Kit Taylor

Prodigy hosted the Christmas party this year, for ourselves, Cromwell and Stask. Ensign Yel S’Hirt organised the event, with catering from Duuuuuude and his staff. 

I finally regained all of my memories from Pangaere, most of which are classified, but I can say that the mission was a nightmare that lead to the loss of two crewmembers from Stask; Delon tr’Redik and Taeron tr’Ishal. tr’Redik, we believe, tried to kill Martis. Even though, at the time, there was no evidence of what happened, DJ suspected it and there was hostility between the Romulan and DFA away teams as a result. Martis shot tr’Erik in the ear when she saw him again, after returning with Future - Carson from another time (I have recently found out, the Badlands). tr’Erik, under the impression that everyone in the DFA wanted him dead, committed ritual suicide. I can’t help but blame myself partly for what happened. If only I had noticed sooner how much he was struggling, maybe I could have done something to help, but by the time I realised, it was too late.

Taeron is MIA. I know he stayed back in time, but the details of why are classified and I don’t know if he can or will ever return. And Future-Carson also sort of died, or rather, he just vanished. This timeline erased his, which is what he wanted, but it still makes me sad. Most of those involved are only just returning to the timeline now, although Red, Heter and I returned 6 months ago, I am only just getting my memories back and too be honest, I wish some things had remained forgotten. 

The Christmas party was nice though. t’Aryn brought T’Via’s eldest, Nala and the quadruplets were happy to see one another again. T’Via and t’Aryn went away to talk while the children played, I assume about Taeron, and T’Via went to Stask to accept Taeron’s medals. She’s taking a leave of absence to go back with t’Aryn and the quadruplets to stay with Taeron’s grandmother. 

I gave Six of Twelve its gift from Future-Carson, decorative socks with a creature from the colony. They look a bit like white raindeers. Duuuuuude also gave Six a holoprojector, so it looks very funny, with a holographic Christmas hat and its socks. It gave its present (a holodeck simulation of the forests of Sylva) to present-day Carson. I had a hholinar cocktail with Carson and a good conversation but it did unfortunately lead to a recommendation that I speak to Martis… which I did, the next morning. It did not go well. It was to do with the Vedeks of Campanella demanding Martis step down from being CO of Cromwell because she is connected to an Orb. Instead of helping, I’m pretty sure I just pissed Martis off… again. 

On the bright side, I had a lovely time with Red and Banor after that and finally got a decent amount of sleep.

Alongside the Christmas party, Prodigy also had some graduations to celebrate. Lyras, Evoras and N’Vek graduated the nursery and are ready to become Junior Cadets when they return from their great grandmas. Yel and Lumi are now officially officers, having graduated the Academy. Damon and Unit finished their Batchelor degrees and Valen graduated high school. Damon and Unit plan on starting their Masters and I expect Valen will enrol in the Academy. He’s thinking security or Intel. Lyra is also starting… 2 degrees this year. Yes, I know that sounds insane but her first idea was 6, so this is a compromise. 

Lyra gave Unit a robotic FRANK unit spider, which she has named ‘Octo’ and Unit has gifted Lyra a frog-like creature that she found on Sylva. Lyra also gave Mia a “laser sword” which thankfully is not actually able to cut anything, but of course Toby still managed to sting himself on it. 

Octo the F.R.A.N.K Spider
Octo the F.R.A.N.K Spider
Lyra’s Luminspawn
Lyra’s Luminspawn

Martis and Tas finalised their divorce and Toby, Martis and Luna spent time together in the Abortueum. DJ came to my quarters on Christmas Eve and we gave Neilson, Sally and Myriad our gifts. It was good to see him and I think the kids had a nice night, Neilson especially. I did offer DJ a position on Prodigy, but I think he might be going to Cromwell. 

To be honest, I think we’re both just glad he’s not going back to Stask. I learned a lot about Romulan culture on Pangaere, including the fact that I don’t like it and I didn’t like the way they treated DJ. That being said, I also learned through that mission to be more careful about making judgments when I don’t know the whole story and I do still wonder if, had I known more about tr’Redik’s culture and motivations to begin with, he still be alive? Perhaps it serves as a lesson to both the DFA and the RSE that we need to do better, but for now, I’m glad that DJ is out of Romulan territory. 

Overall, it’s been an eventful holiday, but it has been nice to see everyone again and Yel and Duuuuuude did a fantastic job pulling everything together. 

 -End Log-


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