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Writer's pictureSix of Twelve


Updated: Jun 18, 2023

<Stardate 2423.03, Six of Twelve>

Two new Junior Cadets have joined Prodigy; Mia Rainer and C7 and Chief Engineer Dr Saran also arrived. C7 is Dr Saran's creation and child. They have a Sahet cub as a pet. Lt Tas was called away from Prodigy by the Olmsead Medical Centre because he was required to assist Paige Mallory in a medical matter. Details are not available to us. We discovered a virus onboard Prodigy which at first appeared to be innoculus. After assimilating the Bynar's buffers, we discovered that the initial virus was hiding another, designed to open an airlock in the shuttle bay. At 4am that night, Six of Twelve, Unit, Colonel MarQ and Commander Taylor noticed we were getting younger. Colonel MarQ and Commander Taylor both appeared approximatly 16 years old while Unit appeared Four. Changes in Six of Twelve were neglegable but this is most likely because it has not changed much since it was five years old and released from maturation.

Colonel MarQ went to the brig, where he proceeded to damage Eldar considerably before Commander Taylor and Commander French arrived. Commander Taylor told Eldar that we would assimilate him and leave him at the edge of Borg Space, but that first MeD must take blood samples, as Eldar and his crew are unaffected by the regression. By this time, Colonel MarQ, Commander French and Commander Taylor were all prepubescent while Unit now looked to be four years old and had lost her Borg implants. Colonel MarQ collapsed in unidentified pain and was taken to sickbay with Commander Taylor. Six of Twelve and Unit also went to sickbay while Commander French remained with MeD to repair and run tests on Eldar. The Junior Cadets gathered in one of Prodigy's playrooms when the Red Alert was sounded. They had also began to regress, with Neilson, Damon, C7 and Mia first presenting symptoms. Within an hour, all of Prodigy's children were approximatly three years old, except for Melina, who was closer to five. The children decided to go to sickbay. They encountered Lt t'Ishal at the nursery, who gave them to quadruplet's pram to travel in and called Lumi and Rock Jumper 12 to escort them. Lumi and Rock Jumper 12 had been outside of Prodigy doing training excersises and had thus not been effected by the regression, though they are now showing symptoms.

MeD noticed a yet unidentified barrier surrounding some of Eldar's peptides that, when introduced to mutated DNA, causes the DNA to bounce off. We believe this may be what is protecting Eldar and his crew from the regression that Prodigy's crew is undergoing. MeD says that if we can isolate those peptides, it may be possible to make a cure. Commander Taylor noticed that C7's Sahet and the children in the nursery had not been effected by the regression and the children who had reached three years old no longer appear effected, suggesting this anomoly has an 'age limit'. Unit suggested this was because Eldar did not want to destroy Prodigy's crew, but instead make Colonel MarQ 'suffer'. This motive confuses us. All of the Junior Cadets except Melina are now infants, as is MeD. Melina is aproximatly five years old. Commander Taylor, Colonel MarQ and Commander French appear to be at ages ranging from 6-8 years old. Six of Twelve is now a neonatal drone; we estimate its age to be five, which would equate to approximatly fifteen physically (due to our five years in maturation). Colonel MarQ is also still in yet to be identified pain and the Bynars have adapted to our nanoprobes and are doing something to Prodigy's computer, but we cannot tell what.

<End Log>


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