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Writer's pictureKit Taylor


Updated: Jun 18, 2023

<<Commander Kit Taylor, Captain's Log (Supplemental) Stardate 2423.05.19>>

So... I discussed the pros and cons of taking the Regression Vaccine with Doctor Kavai. I'd finally deciced that it was time to grow up again, took my second dose and... it didn't work. I guess I waited too long, but we won't know for sure until Me'D has done more tests. He said it had something to do with my white blood cells and my growth hormones not working properly, but the nutshell is, I appear to be 11 years old. The good news is, Me'D is fairly confident I will grow up again naturall. The bad news is, I now need to get a full medical report for Command to prove I'm still fit for work and I need to contact DJ. I will admit I have been putting that off, but I've had good reason...

Prodigy's Borg Collective were infected by some kind of Virus, curtesy of the Asshat (a.k.a Eldar MarQ). Eldar has been talking to them, taunting them somehow. The facility have checked and double checked him for any technology and found nothing, so how he is doing this is beyond me. C7, Damon and Dr Saran were working on processing Six's assimilated data from the Bynars when the children, being children, went an opened a file labled 'Read Me' and... let Eldar's virus into the safespace. Fortunatly, the safespace is working well and it hasn't spread to the rest of the system.

Colonel MarQ is in a coma. Unit, Six and Four have went into his mind using their interlink nodes to try and wake him up. That sounds crazy, but its not the first time half the crew have been on a mission into Banor's subconcious. Me'D is monitering their vitals and keeping in communication with them and the Borg Bay is locked down incase the virus caused any unexpected complications.

The whole thing started when Banor scanned our newest Junior Cadet, Lyra Yagril, and found ancient Borg technology inside her body. Is it connected or is it a coincidence, I have no idea. I interviewed Lyra (once Mia had managed to get her to my office...), but her memories of whatever happened to her before the crash seem to be disjointed. Describing them also caused her a lot of distress, which makes me think there may be more to the lost memories than only the brain damage. PTSD from trauma? What Lyra was able to tell me was, the people who installed her implant had told her it would 'make her smarter' and had installed it without anesthetic. She remembered unbearable pain. She did not remember seeing Eldar there, but that doesn't completely rule him out; he doesn't seem one for doing his own dirty work after all. It seems unlikely though. Whatever happened to Lyra happened at least over a year ago. I have sent a message to the ship that found her crashsite to attempt to gain any information about where she came from. Whether Eldar is involved or not, these seem like people we should avoid.

<<End Log>>


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