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Writer's pictureKit Taylor


<Stardate 2423.06.30 - Captain Kit Taylor- Personal Log>>

Six undoutably explained in its log that I was promoted, but what it likely neglected to explain was how thrilled I am. Banor caught me completely off-gaurd with the promotion. I don't know how he pulled it off, but I still can't stop smiling. We're enroute to Chetzia and I am happy to say that Red has requested to stay onboard, with a recommendation from Jane Sagen. After our last mission, I have a feeling Red will be happy to be here and his little brother will be even happier he's here. Lumi and 12 are working on the Rock Jumper simulation for the kids, which I look forward to checking out and I suggested to Red that we might make a similar program for piloting. I was looking forward to some R&R on Chetzia after the stress of our last unexpected adventure, but as always, the Universe had other ideas. Dr Saran and C7 have just recieved a distress call on a classified frequency too low for Prodigy to pick up ordinarily, so we're going to investigate and hopefully help, if we're not too late. The distress call was sent around 16 hours ago. I've put Dr Saran in charge of the initial investigation of the ship, since he seems to be the only person with any idea what it might be. Its a Vulcan Science ship, we know that much, but apparantly its unusual to see one of this classification in the Delta Quaderant. Whatever and whoever it is, it is in trouble, so of course we're on our way. I just hope the trouble part has cleared off by the time we get there, but know things are never so simple...

<<end log>>


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