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Writer's pictureKit Taylor


<Stardate 2423.09 - Captain Kit Taylor - Personal Log>>

So much for that peacful vacation...

Turns out, someone wants to kill or kidnapp me, Banor and Six. Well, someone probably always wants to kill me, Banor and Six, but someone is actually trying right now, or several someones actually.

Banor and I went to dinner with Myriad and we encountered DJ of all people, who was also on vacation with some Romulan women from S'Task. It was awkward but not as awkward as you might think, because the main awkwardness was interuppted by Cardassians trying to kill us. Fortunatly we were able to handle the situation well (and DJ's friends returned from the bathroom at exactly the right time to put guns to the back of the Cardassians heads, which meant we were able to arrest them), but it did kind of ruin my dinner plans.

Banor um... interrogated... one of the Cardassians, Heter. They came to an agreement and Heter explained that she was actually working for the Obsidian Order and that her partner was part of an organised crime unit on Cardassia that she had been infiltrating. Since she could not return to the Order, having given us this information, I offered her assylum within the DFA. She's the first person who has tried to murder me that I can actually say I genuinly like. She was a little mad when we first met, but she'd been with this organisation, under cover, for years with no check-ins from her handlers so I'm not surprised she'd gone a little crazy and her intellegence proved priceless because it lead to us finding out who the spy on Prodigy was; Lt Miller.

Who Banor also... interrogated. Sickbay was busy that day but we did get information out of Miller and I actually feel kind of sorry for the guy. He is working for a (possibly rouge) agent within Section 31, a Klingon apparantly, who for some reason wants me, Six and Banor - dead or alive. The reason I feel a little sorry for Miller though; this Klingon has his wife and children. I'm not saying I agree with what he did, but I understand why he did it and I can't say what I would have done in his situation. It does complicate matters even more though, because this case is no longer just about the three of us but now involves civillians who are in danger. Miller has promised to cooperate and thus far has been doing so.

Dr Siril, who has former ties to Section 31, has managed to provide Banor with a contact; namely her old Handler who is in debt to her for letting her well... get assimilated. Banor has been in touch with him and we have been promised information regarding the Klingon in the near future.

Unfortunately, the near future might not be near enough because there have been more attacks. Lyra, Damon and Unit were on Chetzia visiting Lyra's sister, Jessana, and were attacked by some thugs. Fortunately, Rex and Nine made short work of the attackers and the children were not harmed. They are now in Prodigy's ever-filling brig. I was attacked again during a meeting with Admiral Sesgaard, but I called Six of Twelve with my HUD who also handled them swiftly. According to Heter, there are at least seven teams after us, competeing for a bounty and ordered to bring us dead or alive and they have been encurraged to use tactics such as threatening our children (we believe Unit's group were targetted to get to Banor). As such, I have assigned extra security to Neilson and Unit for the rest of the vacation and probably won't be leaving the ship with Myriad or Sally again.

In better news, the C-Series children are settling in and three of them got pets on Chetzia, along with Valen. Most of them are cute, fluffy creatures but C3's pet definitly wants to eat me. I don't know what it is, a Krill-something-or-other, but I know it wants to eat me. At least it makes C3 happy. Its the only thing, besides his sibblings, that I have seen make him smile in a way that didn't give me an uneasy feeling. The three youngest android children, along with Valen, have also joined the Junior Cadet program and Mia, Eternity and Lyra are working with Banor to pick their specialist subjects.

The holodeck has started a Halloween party with the theme of dressing up like your favourate animal. It seems nice so far, well, nice in a Halloween sort of way. Its set in a haunted house with ghosts and skeletons and themed food.

<<End Log>>

<Stardate 2423.09 - Captain Kit Taylor - Classified Log>>

Helen D'Troyan came to Prodigy to report some disturbing news. An away team from Cromwell and S'Task had gone missing on Pangaere and the away team included many of our friends; including Martis, DJ and Michael. Tas, Helen and I agreed to go on a secret rescue mission, since the Romulans have chosen to do nothing about it and are even forbidding DFA enterence to Visak'a. Admiral Sesgaard met me on Chetzia to discuss his plans for the same thing and we agreed to meet at the Romulan Border.

Carson, being Carson, had surprises in store. He didn't arrive in a shuttle from the Colony but instead took command of Cromwell and accidentally took Lyra, Unit, Damon and Ana and Jessana along for the ride... and that wasn't even the biggest surprise. Turns out, he's from the future. I really should have known from the beard but I just figured he was trying a new look.

So far, our rescue team now consists of myself, Colonel MarQ, Admiral Sesgaard, Dr Siril, Red and Yel, Helen, Tas, Lt Score and a 'Dr Kate' from the Admiral's colony. According to Future-Carson, we've tried this many times and failed, so Colonel MarQ is currently itterating with Prodigy's Collective to try and maximise our success and we've brought Ohana in the hopes that her sheilding might help us get through Pangaere's ion field. As to the children on Cromwell, I've found them and put them in Ten Forward for now.

<End Log>





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