<Stardate 2423.10 - Six of Twelve>>
Prodigy's crew gathered for a Halloween Party on the holodeck with the instruction to dress as 'your favourate animal'. Six of Twelve did not know how to comply with this instruction, but Cuddles suggested a crocodile, so that we would 'match'. As such, we wore a crocodile mask to the party. Kit dressed as a rabbit, Alexis French, Colonel MarQ, RJ12, Me'D and Yel and Red S'Hirt all dressed as wolves. Unit came as a parrot, Lyra and Nine as Frogs and Mia as a purple dragon (Note: Mia states that a dragon is a large reptile that can fly and breathe fire). Four of Seven had the mask of a dog that resembled Rex. Damon dressed as a black bear and C7 as a Sahet. C2 was dressed as a white rat, C3 as a Krillspire Serpent, C4 as a rabbit, C5 as a purple cat, like Melina's cat, Jordan. C6 was a Floralifter. Valen dressed as a rabbit and Eternity as a fox. Neilson dressed to look like his dog, Kirk and Myrid was also dressed to look like a puppy. Melina dressed to look like a Maine Coon cat and Heter dressed to look like a taspar. Dr Siril was dressed as a black cat. A new Junior Cadet, designated Tess, was dressed as a creature from an ancient Human film called 'Scream'.
The reason this information is relevant is that we were lead into a hall of mirrors by a white cat, who claimed to be there for her younger sister. The door that had lead into the room disapeered, replaced with mirrors, and then all of the mirrors cracked and we were transformed into the creatures from our costumes, except for Tess, who confused the program with her costume at first and became a baby bat. Our nanoprobes revealed that the holodeck had been infected with a computer virus while Prodigy was on shoreleave. The virus had been dorement until the party but was now preventing us from ending the holodeck program. Our nanoprobes are analysing the virus and attempting to destroy it but the programming style is unknown, so we expect it to take considerable time for them to find a solution. In the meantime, it was noted that our assimilation tubules left a small hole in the mirror and that light could be seen beyond. Mia made a hole big enough for C2, Tess, Lyra and Nine to go through.
Inside the hole, Mia, Lyra, Tess and Nine have found a dark room, full of rats, bats and insects and spoiled food and have encountered a talking rat named 'Stitches'. Within the hall of mirrors, Unit found a hatch in the ceiling, but it is locked and requires a key to open.
<End Log>
<<Classified Mission Log - 2423.10 - Six of Twelve>>
Admiral Sesgaard shared details of the various unsuccesful attempts already made at rescuing the crew from Pangaere:
1.) Red and Yel S'hirt went through the shroud in a standard shuttle. Red died, Yel barely made it out, and would be discharged from duty due to injuries sustained.
2.) Borg went to Pangaere led by Banor and Taylor. They succumbed to the desert and lack of nutrition. No rescue mission was performed. The last contact was the final log reports of Six. Six of 12 went into grizzly detail about Taylor's last words and the various malfunctions of the Brog on the planet before each succumbed to equipment failure.
3.) Taylor was assassinated on the way to meet with MarQ on Chetzia, that mission never lifted off.
4.) Rigellian flu contracted by Prodigy's children. Window closed before the children were stabilized. Taylor stayed behind, Banor went and was lost with the Borg. No remains.
5.) Large-scale DFA Rescue operations were turned away at the border. Combat lost 15 ships on the DFA side and 12 on the Romulan. The larger Romulan fleet lost more personnel.
6.)The covert ops team was hunted and killed by Romulans. Carson: "That one was on me."
A large vessel broke apart in flight.
Based on this data, we are itterating to improve results.
- Variable 1: Colonel MarQ will program his nanoprobes to repair Ohana should it break on entry to Pangaere. The subroutines required to do this have been shared, though the exact program may alter depending on the damage. The nanoprobes will be extracted via a blood sample extracted with needle and syringe as Colonel MarQ will not have assimilation tubules installed.
- Variable 2: Calculations have been made regarding the estimated time Colonel MarQ can survive on Pangaere without regeneration. With Me'D's provided neutrient supplements and powering down non-vital components, we have estimated 192 hours before serious malfunction but fatigue symptoms are likely to occur after 72 hours.
-Variable 3: Colonel MarQ will be fitted with a power coupling device so that he can draw power from Ohana to regenerate. We will bring additonal power packs to limit the drain on Ohana.
Colonel MarQ has just left, as he has a headache from the amount of new data, but Unit, Six of Twelve and Four of Seven continue to process the data in his absance and Unit is using Amber's alcove to regenerate. The rest of the crew aboard Cromwell, apart from Admiral Sesgaard, have met in Ten Forward and are communicating there.
<End Log>